Job Interview Tools

Why Do You Want to Work Here – An Answer From the Heart

You need to dig deeper. I encourage you to dig deeper and find out inside what it is about this company that attracts you so much. What is it? What do they do? Is it their culture? If it's their culture, what specifically is it about their culture. If it's their products, what is it about those products? You can't just say, “Oh, I like them. They're nice”. You need to dig deeper and to find a real compelling reason about what it is and why you are aligned with this company.

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Job Interview Tools

Why Do You Want to Leave Your Job? Best Reasons

But there's another way; there’s a stronger technique to answering this question, “Why do you want to leave your job?” And it's called the pull technique, but nobody uses it. Nobody even understands that it exists. And if you search on YouTube you probably won't find anybody talking about the pull technique. That's right; you heard it here first.

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Job Interview Tools

Why Job Interviews Make Us Nervous

If you think about it; a job interview, it's not really a natural process. It's just not natural to take somebody and stick them in a room with a couple of other people and have them ask them and probe them with all kinds of questions about things that they've done and experiences and how they would do this and that. It's a very unnatural process. That's why you feel so nervous.

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Job Interview Tools

How to Convince Employers to Hire You

One of the first things an employer is going to do is they are going to evaluate whether you are like minded, whether your values are the same, whether your principles are the same as theirs, whether they think you're going to fit into their culture.

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