Whether this is your first or second interview or you're up against tough competition, you'll gain an unfair advantage over everyone else and stand-out as the best candidate.
59 minutes prep time
audio/video available
These people landed their dream job - are you next?
"I just wanted to let you know that I got my dream job.
The tools that your guide provided me with helped me shake the nervousness that I usually get at job interviews and I managed to get two job offers in one day after a year and a half of interviewing with no offers.”
Sarah S., Atlanta, GA
I recently accepted a position with an IT company in Charlotte, NC. The questions in the guide helped me to be relaxed during the interview.
I recommend this guide to everyone who is looking for a new job.
Sincere regards,
Kemp Byrd, Charlotte, NC
I purchased your guide last Tues., but I had two job interviews.
Not only did they want me to come join the company, but they offered me TWO DIFFERENT JOBS!!!
Thank you so much for this wonderful guide."
Dawn Fuller
Thank you again for all the help you gave my husband. He worked for the oil and gas industry and had to go through numerous interviews.
Your tools helped him be at ease.
Dusty R. Laramie, WY
I wanted you to know that your guide has been one of the most helpful pieces of information I have ever received.
I have interviewed with several companies in the past 30 days, and to be honest, have been accepted by almost all of them.
The facts, tips and suggestions you gave were awesome! Thank you so much!"
John Schnaubert, Oak Harbor, WA
This is the best program I have ever seen.
After reading your guide, I said oh my God, my answers were wrong in my previous interview. It's no wonder I did not get that job.
Anis Khan, Ashburn, VA
Just thought that I would let you know that I read and utilized many suggestions in the guide and I am now EMPLOYED!
I got a job with a major bank in a full time, direct hire position.
Mike Z., Aldie, VA
I wish I had found your website before I went on my first interview. I would have had so much less stress.
They asked almost every question you identified, using the same words, as if THEY had your guide!
Janet G., High Island, TX
I applied for one job and got two interviews and now they've called me back to make an offer. His questions really helped me a lot. I emailed him back and forth a little bit and he promptly emailed me right back.
It was actually very refreshing to find that there was an actual real person on the other end.
I went over the questions in the guide and once the interview got rolling, I was prepared to answer anything.
So, I would recommend him to anybody.
Lynn F.
Interviewing for jobs is hard and even depressing at times.
But when you get clear on the exact job you want, that's half the battle.
Now you just need to put it all together by gathering your stories of experiences from your past jobs and preparing for the interview ...and that's where I can help.
I'll show you how to quickly, easily, and confidently impress interviewers, improve your confidence, avoid mistakes, and teach you the right way to answer job interview questions... so you can get the job you want.
On this page, you'll see and hear the results from a tiny fraction of people who've used my interview guide to land their dream job.
Quite simply, this program works -- and I'm certain it will work for you, too.
"They were so impressed with my answers, I was offered the job at the end of the interview."
I have been in HR for over 11 years and thought I knew everything, but after several interviews and no offers, I purchased your guide.
I had two interviews after purchasing your guide and I now I have two offers.
Thank you so much for writing such a good and detailed guide. I will recommend it to everyone."
Rosie Lamar
All the questions that you had in the guide are exactly word-by-word what I got asked...
I want to thank you so much for the guide. Prior to that, I went to five interviews, got nothing, went to this one and landed a job.
All the questions and all the answers that you had in the guide is exactly word-by-word what I got asked.
Jelena M., Toronto 🇨🇦
Audio Player
Haven't interviewed in 15 years and you helped me put it all together!
I just wanted to thank you for your interviewing guide.
I don’t have a lot of corporate expertise and was very nervous and apprehensive about interviewing, but your interviewing guide helped me through my first interview.
I increased my confidence and you have given me a whole different outlook in the interviewing process.
Manny Candelario, Middletown, CT
Audio Player
Thank you so much for helping me out with getting the new job.
I really appreciate it and I got a promotion out of it.
I really appreciate all your help and emails with the few questions that I did have. The guide was very, very easy to follow and I directed a few people, some of my friends, to your new website.
Karen B., Irving, TX
After reading your guide, I really felt prepared for my grueling behavioral interview with a large pharma company.
I especially found your closing questions to be very effective.
The manager actually told me at the end of the interview that I would receive an offer the next day.
Rhonda B., Dayton, TN
I purchased your guide last Tues., but I had two job interviews.
Not only did they want me to come join the company, but they offered me TWO DIFFERENT JOBS!!!
Thank you so much for this wonderful guide."
Dawn Fuller
Not only did your guide provide me with a lot of great confidence but you cared enough...
I just landed a job as the general counsel for Mideast operations for ITT.
Not only did your guide provide me with a lot of great confidence but you cared enough to send me your personal advice and there’s not too many people left in this world that would be willing to do that.
Karen F., Alcoa, TN
They actually rang me 90 minutes later to ask if I could start work tomorrow.
For every question I had the perfect answer.
I passed on your information to my daughter and now she starts her new job tomorrow.
To be sure, I’ll be singing your praises from this side of the pond
Deb F., Great Britain 🇬🇧
Needless to say, I did extremely well in my interview and have now been promoted.
Your guide is EXCELLENT preparation and it gives us not only the RIGHT answer, but what the interviewer is looking for.
Now, I am using your guide to interview my replacement!"
Alice E. Tisthammer, PMP, Kennedy Space Center, NASA
Realized why I was blowing my interviews and cut my job search time in half...
I recently bought your interview tools and it has been so helpful because...
I’d been interviewing for several months and couldn't understand why I wasn’t getting any offers, but after reading your guide, I went on my first interview with more confidence than you could possibly imagine and I got an offer."
Buff Glasser, Ocean, NJ
Audio Player
Absolutely the best program!
I feel absolutely blessed that I stumbled upon your site and had the good fortune of ordering your program because it changed everything.
I would recommend this program to anybody.
James N., Vashon, WA
Audio Player
In just a couple of days being in contact with you, your prompt professional responses are valuable and truly amazing.
I wish more folks like myself would take advantage of your knowledge, experience and know-how.
Thank you again for your advice, professional support, encouragement and promptness.
Abdul Khalfan, Ontario 🇨🇦
Thanks for your great tool and particularly your personal attention in helping answer my questions.
I have just received an offer despite the fact that I was away from the engineering field for over 10 years.
I don't think I can get the offer if not for your publication and personal help.
The interviewers were impressed enough to make me an offer amongst many well qualified applicants.
Andy C., Sammamish, WA
Hello Don, I got the job at Kendle International.
Your guide truly helped me land the job that I really wanted.
As a matter of fact, I had several departments at Kendle make me an offer.
I highly recommend your study guide. Thank you."
Mary L. Gladden, Cincinnati, OH
"I got my dream. I’m so excited about it."
I purchased your program and did everything you said to do. I went into a very stressful panel interview feeling extremely confident.
I was offered a job out of 31 other applicants and I was told that I had the best interview of everybody."
Trea J., Tucson, AZ
Audio Player
Your book helped me through some very competitive times!
I am now the Executive Director for the Montgomery Economic Development Corporation and you and your suggestions, and your book helped me through some very troubling and competitive times!!!!!!
You are awesome!
You have been the best inspiration to me....Thanks so much.
Charlene Coulombe-Fiore, Chicago, IL
Audio Player
01 - Getting started
9 minutes to review
Interview preparation
02 - Creating your answers
37 minutes to review
Questions & Answers
03 - STAR Method
23 minutes to review
Behavioral Questions
04 - Closing the interview
5 minutes to review
Ask the right questions
05 - Virtual interviews
5 minutes to review
Make a virtual impact
Before this guide...
After this guide...
Dear Don,
Even at age 63, I was hired this week for a state government position, and almost at the top of the salary range for the job.
I had applied for several jobs over the past couple months but this was the one I really wanted and the only one where I was given an interview.
Reading your guide really raised my confidence during the panel interview and it was one of the best I have ever experienced.
I start Monday! Thank you so much!
Andrea Buchmann, Vancouver, WA
for as little as
Everything you need to ACE your interview
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Answer builder
Question types:
Part 2.1: Behavioral questions
Part 3: Closing the interview
Part 4: Client answers - see how other candidates answered questions
Part 5: Virtual interviews (video & phone)
Optional Audio & Video Program Layout
Everything from the eBook above plus...
Training videos
Quick start playlist
I can’t thank you enough for the help that you afforded me. I couldn’t have done it without you. I breezed through those interviews. I was nervous at first, but as the interview went on, I relaxed and I just seemed to have all the answers.
Not only has it worked for me, but for my daughter as well who has also landed two important jobs and beat out intense competition.
I’ve seen this work in my life, in my daughter’s life, and I know that it will work in the lives of others who purchased your program, and I highly recommend it.
Thanks again. I appreciate all your help, and best to you.
Scott M., Boston
I just want to let you know that I’m so happy to come across your interview guide. This has helped me within a week to secure about five interviews.
I’m delighted. I don’t know how to thank you and your guide is brilliant. I will recommend that to anybody who is looking for a job. I've never come across anything like that before.
Aurelle, AK. 🇬🇧
I wanted to thank you for helping me land a job that was kind of a last-minute situation.
They wanted me to interview in New York in one week, so I did a little bit of research and settled on your interviewing guide and basically had no time at all to think about the interview or prepare for it other than reading your interviewing guide.
I guess it did the trick, because I aced the interview with eight executives and landed a job. In fact, they didn’t even call me back. They offered me the job a week later.
I’m chalking it up to at least in large part your interviewing guide, so thank you very much. I highly recommend it.
Dan Brower, Angels Camp, CA
"Thank you so much for the job interview tool guide.
It was very helpful in preparing me for interviews.
Most of the questions you had listed did come up in the interview.
Margaret Jones, San Francisco
Hi Don, I just wanted to send a very quick note of thank you.
I bought your interview guide about 1 month ago...and studied it.
I knew that I had a management interview with my company coming up. Well, I got the promotion.
Quite simply, your guide helped me to have the confidence to get this job."
Mark Markgraf, Long Beach, CA
This was the best study interview guide I purchased!!
Your interview guide made me very comfortable and more confident when I was asked questions.
I was laid off after working 10 years, so I had not interviewed in a while. Once I studied the guide, it was smooth sailing.
I was interviewed by eight executives and I was well prepared, thanks to you.
Thank you!
Loletear Foster, Westland, MI
"Those pesky mind blowing questions ...came very easy to answer"
Dear Don,
I downloaded your book the day before an interview, read through the entire book once. Went on the interview and for some reason was much more comfortable with the interview.
Although I didn’t get the job I do believe your book helped me to be more prepared.
Then a week later and after I had time to read your material again I was interviewed for a full time (with benefits) position and I must say… those pesky mind blowing questions about my character and my weaknesses and strengths and where do I want to be in 5 years came very easy to answer.
Yesterday I was offered the job and I start Monday!!!
Rob M. Hamlet, NC
I first purchased the Complete Interview Answer Guide from Don and was so impressed.
The difference has been, well, I’m getting interviews now.
Where I was first simply submitting resumes and not hearing anything, using Don’s techniques and following the examples with the interviews and resumes, I’ve moved up to getting job offers at this point.
Brian D. Tampa, FL
Thank you for helping me so much. I remember going into my very first interview before I discovered your YouTube and read your complete interview guide and I just really appreciate the way you word things to explain past situations and the way you answer questions.
I really gleaned from you and I really gleaned from the complete interview guide.
I am a hands-on person so I love watching your YouTube videos. I would write stuff down, I wrote questions down, I wrote the answers to those questions in the way I would say it, and I landed a job working at a hotel and resort.
Keith S. Atlanta, GA
I purchased your guide online and by far it is the best guide I have ever purchased.
I want to thank you so much for this guide. It’s a wonderful tool and I’m so happy I found it and you developed it, really. I have a job interview on Monday and I feel confident because of your guide.
Thank you again so much, Don.
Peggy M. Miami, FL
Just landed a 6 figure dream job!
Hi Don, I just wanted to say thanks. I bought your book and followed it exactly.
It got me to my third interview. I had some questions about the third interview and emailed you for some answers, you were right on the money!
Thanks to your help and book, I just landed a 6 figure dream job!"
Jeff Sechrest, Richmond, VA
Your guide was the best value of all
Don, I must tell you, having not been to an interview in over 20 years, I would have approached things differently before reading your guide.
Having your guide gave me the “Interview Confidence” I had lost over that time.
Considering all of the money spent on my job search thus far, your guide was the best value of all.
N.J.P., President
Industrial Chemical
Alpharetta, GA
Totally bombed out at an interview
Dear Don,
I rarely leave product reviews, but your book was worth every dollar.
I'm a New Zealand trained doctor working in Australia. I am an older woman (60) who has never been out of work in the field of psychiatry until trying to get a job for next year, and totally bombed out at an interview and was told my communication skills were lacking.
I read through your book, made notes about answering questions especially about strengths and weaknesses (I now know how to re-frame these types of questions) and went to 2 interviews in the past 4 days and have already been offered one of the positions and expect to be offered the other as well.
Your book gave me the confidence I needed to interview and enjoy the challenges in the questions. One interview was very standard and the other had questions from left field which I feel I managed in a much better way as I was prepared.
Again, many thanks, and I have already recommended your book to someone else.
Kind regards,
Dr. Anne Mackay, Victoria, Australia 🇦🇺
Don, GUESS WHAT? I got the JOB....
Really, your service is kick ass.
I apologize for my french... I don't know how to say THANK YOU for all the support.
I got the confidence I needed in myself for the first time, and this is my dream career and job I'm very happy.
Olga Garcia - Tujunga, CA
Your book was such an instant help to me that not only I was not nervous at all while doing interview this time, which was different from usual due to that I have the confidence after reading your book, but also the interviewers were impressed by my strengthened skills and most relevant experience and qualification, as well as the detailed answers in behavioural questions.
In a short time after reading your book, I felt like I've acquired the main techniques of the interview.
Thank you very much again Don!
Warmest Regards,
Yili H., Ontario, Canada 🇨🇦
Dear Don,
Thank you very much for creating 'The Complete Interview Answer Guide'. Since day 1, I have experienced outstanding positive experiences in my interviews.
I purchased your Guide because I found out that mostly I was not selected to the next stage with the client (after headhunter interviews) and if I did I barely made it through and not with sufficient 'tools' prepared for the next interview and was not confident enough.
In my past life I have never been selected in interview processes that involve 3 or more interviews and speaking to various members of the company individually.
However it seems like this has changed now!
Thank you very much for your help! You really made a change in this aspect of my life!
Sammy Q., Barcelona, Spain 🇪🇸
I interviewed for a promotion.
I was going against 18 other very qualified individuals, many of whom had 20- or 30-plus years and I’m just coming up on the three-and-a-half-year mark.
Two days before the interview, I purchased your program and I read through it probably three or four times.
On the interview day, I was definitely prepared. They asked similar questions, almost identical to your program.
Needless to say, a couple of days later, my manager invited me into his office and offered me the promotion.
I’m definitely convinced that your interview package contributed to my success and I recommend it to anyone.
Afterwards, my manager said I had all the right answers. That’s the exact words out of his mouth.
Once again, I appreciate it. Thank you, Don.
Mick D. - San Mateo, CA
I want you to know that I was well-prepared for my interview earlier this week, thanks to your interview answer guide.
I found the guide to be very thorough and the best resource available for the behavioral interview process.
I’ve been with the company 24 years and they would not allow me to take a lower position and less pay.
So, I didn't get the job, which would have paid less.
Thank you for your support. I highly recommend your interview answer guide. Have a great day."
Darlene Black - Indio, CA
I’m actually a recent graduate from Toronto, Canada, and I wanted to take this opportunity to really and sincerely thank you for the interview tips and videos.
They really gave me the opportunity to explore areas of strengths of mine that I did not previously value or that I previously did not sell to employers as vigorously as I would have had I not paid attention to what you had said.
I benefited greatly from the guide and as a result I landed a very good job as a technical analyst with an up-and-coming company with a great starting salary, and I owe it all to you.
Thank you so much and I really hope this inspires a lot of other people to come to your site.
Thank you so much once again."
Karan R. - Toronto 🇨🇦
Passed with flying colours
Hi Don,
I bought your book when I was contacted by BP in the UK.
I had my first phone interview and I passed with flying colours and after the face-to-face interview they offered me exactly what I wanted plus a bonus for relocation.
So I changed countries with my family, my husband resigned from his job back in Portugal and we came with our 2 years old son.
The following challenge was to find a job for my husband in the UK. He was not as fluent as I am, but he started to attend English classes and some courses in IT to prove this 11 years of experience.
Again with your help, he joined BP this month and he will be working on the same company as I am and getting a base salary that he could never dream of back in Portugal, plus benefits.
So I have to say thank you very much for your tips and it really makes a difference when you know what they are after.
I believe that you can help lots of people out there looking for a job.
Kind regards,
Inês Droga, United Kingdom 🇬🇧
It's a great program, but...
In 120 days, if you want your money back for any reason, or no reason at all, I will return every dollar you paid.
No fuss, no drama. It's that simple!
If you’re not satisfied for any reason, just let me know within 120 days and I’ll gladly refund your entire purchase – no questions asked.
But I’m so confident you are going to love this program because it’s going to help you get hired for the job you want.
And it’s so affordably priced, anyone can improve their interview performance, even on a tight budget.
Let me take this one step further….
If you use my guide, and somehow don’t get the job you want within 120 days, I’ll give you an immediate 100% refund of your purchase price for the ebook version of the guide.
You won’t find anyone this confident about the results their product will bring to you.
You see, I’m so sure of the results my guide will bring to you — I am willing to put the entire risk on my shoulders.
Test it out for yourself. Try my professional interview answers and techniques on your next interview. Once you’ve tried them, I’m confident you’ll keep the guide forever.
Don Georgevich
one-time payment
Total Value: $174
Everything From Basic, Plus:
Total Value: $794
Everything from PRO, plus you get ALL of my digital programs
Total Value: $1489
What questions are in the guide:
Here's a short list of the questions and types of questions inside this program that you'll learn how to answer:
Question types:
Weakness & strength
Management, team lead, and coaching
Skills & experience
Like and dislikes relating to your job, co-workers, and manager
Time management
Why questions? Quit jobs, fired, laid-off, etc.
Behavioral styled questions:
Describe a time when you...
Tell me about a time when you...
Give an example of a time when...
Describe a time when your boss asked you to something you didn't agree with.
Partial list of questions - too many to list here:
Why do you want to leave your job?
Can you work under pressure?
Do you work well under pressure?
What can you do for us that no one else can?
Tell me about yourself?
Why do you want to work here?
What are the reasons you want to work here?
Why should I hire you?
What were some of the things you did not like about your last job?
What are your biggest accomplishments?
How do you take direction?
How do accept criticism?
What is the most difficult situation you have faced?
Could you describe a difficult problem and how you dealt with it?
What are some of the things that bother you?
What do you consider your most significant strengths?
What do you consider your most significant weaknesses?
Is there one particular area where your boss tends to criticize you the most?
What are you willing to do to get what you want?
How do you get along with different types of people?
Give me an example of a project that didn’t work out well.
What are some of the things that you and your supervisor have disagreed about?
If you were a pickle, what kind of pickle would you be?
What do you feel your weaknesses are?
Would your boss describe you as a go-getter?
Are there any skills that you bring to the table that others in your field may not?
Why did you choose this particular career path or what led to your chosen profession?
Why didn’t you finish college?
Have you made any special contributions to your past employers that were above and beyond the scope of your job?
What are your salary requirements?
What would your past or present boss say about you?
Why did you leave your last job?
Do you know anything about our company?
What did you like about your last job?
What are your long term career goals?
What would you like to be doing five years from now?
What would your good friends say about you?
How would your co-workers describe you?
What is your viewpoint of management?
What is your definition of success?
What is your definition of failure?
Why are you looking for a job in a field that’s not related to your major?
If you could start college all over again what would you do differently?
Have you found your internships to be a valuable experience?
What were your weakest college subjects?
What was your favorite job and why did you like it?
Did you ever have a boss that you did not like or get along with? 38
Who was your favorite manager and why? 39
Do you know who our competitors are? 39
Do you feel that you are an organized person? 40
How do you manage your time? 40
How do you think you will fit in with our fast paced environment?
What information do you need before making a decision?
How do you react to problems?
Do you consider yourself a risk taker or do you like to play it safe?
If you had the chance to start your career again, what would you change, if anything?
When conflict arises between you and another co-worker, what do you do?
If you had a problem with a co-worker, what would you do?
How do you motivate others?
It looks like you have been working at the same company for over 10 years, how do you think you will be able to adjust to a new and different corporate culture?
There are many, many more questions in the guide.
Some of my clients have told me that nearly every question they were asked in their interview could be found in this guide - just read through the reviews above and see for yourself.
Who is this course for?
Anyone who needs to improve their interview performance by learning the best way to answer interview questions and is interviewing for professional jobs paying between $50k and $250K in annual salary.
You could use this program for jobs paying less that $50k, but it would be overkill because you'd do so well that your interviewer might feel you're over-qualified.
I'm in my 60's - can this still work for me?
Actually, this guide works better the older you get with a cut-off around 75. You see, it's all mindset and your age does not matter. If you feel your age is holding you back from pursuing your career or landing your next job, then it will undoubtedly be the driving force that holds you back. But if you believe your age is an asset, built on years of experience and maturity, then it will become the driving force that propels you to achieving your career aspirations.
See Andrea Buchmann's comments above.
Who are you and why the heck should I listen to you?
I'm Don Georgevich, former IT engineer and project manager and I've been teaching job seekers for over 15 years on how to the best candidate. Additionally, I teach employers how to conduct interviews. And seriously, I'm the only one I know of who teaches candidates how to be great and teaches interviewers how to find greatness in the people they hire.
You should only consider listening to me if what I share resonates with you. If my techniques actually make sense and give you that "ah ha" moment feeling, then use them. If not, do what you feel is right for you.
What will I learn in this course?
You will learn how to...
Prepare for any type of job interview
Give natural sounding answers to over 140+ interview questions
Use the STAR method to answer behavioral questions
Ask your interviewer good questions
Close a job interview
Follow-up after a job interview
Prepare for panel interviews
Prepare for virtual interviews
I'm fresh out of college, will this work for me?
Yes it will and many of my clients have landed jobs right out of college using this guide. Though you'll get better results from the program when you have some work or internship experience.
Can I download the program to my computer, phone or IPad?
Yes, you can download the PDF eBook to any device.
You can also download all of the MP3 audio tracks to any device (required PRO version)
The videos can be viewed on any device, but cannot be downloaded
What is the difference between all three programs?
All three programs have all the same content. The basic eBook includes all of the questions and answers as outlined above. The PRO version includes the eBook and the video and audio version of the program. The VIP version includes everything from both programs plus ALL of my digital programs and 6-months of email support with Don.
How long will it take me to read?
You can easily read through the eBook in about 60 minutes or so and for some, that can be enough time, but you know as well as I do, that the more time you put in to something, the more you'll get out of it.
How soon can I expect to see results?
You mean like a job offer, right? Let me be straight with you. I do not know you and I cannot predict your future. You could literally be fresh out of college, download this guide, read through it a couple of times and land the next job you interview for. And that happens as noted by one of my clients, Whitney Fry. I would not say that happens often, but it happens.
Another thing that happens fairly often is that a client download the guide, studies it, and gets multiple offers within a few weeks.
Another thing that happens is after a client downloads and studies the guide, it takes them 6-8 weeks to get hired.
With all that being said, there's no way to really know because everyone's situation is different. People are at different points in their life and career. Some people are more determined than others, which plays a role, but in the end, I feel if you're good at what you do, and you apply these techniques in your next interview, you'll at least be one of the final three candidates.
You could be the most-qualified candidate and not get the job. Or your could be the least-qualified candidate, but interview much better than everyone else and so they give you the job.
How soon will I get access to the program?
Immediately after purchasing the program you will receive an email with access to the members area to download the guide. If you do not get this email within 30 minutes, check your spam folder, and if it ain't there, click the support link at the top of this page to let me know, and as long as it's not 2:00am, I'll get it out to you first thing in the morning.
Can I email Don for help?
Both the Professional and VIP programs include email access to Don where you can ask for general advice or help with a certain question.
Questions that require a document review or discovery analysis are not included with this program.
However, I do offer more extensive coaching programs tailored for deeper dives into these areas. In these sessions, we can thoroughly examine and discuss documents, strategies, and more. If this sounds like something you'd be interested in go to: https://BookDon.vip
If I ask nicely, will you review my resume?
Yes. It takes me about 4 hours to review and write up my findings, so it's not free. If you're interested in that, go to: BookDon.vip
Does this work for any type of job, like management, engineering, nursing, accounting, sales, executive, finance, etc?
The short answer is YES.
This guide will show you how to answer behavioral questions, experienced-based questions, as well as many other of the toughest interview questions.
Once you start reading my example answers, you'll quickly grasp my answering technique and be able to apply it to any type of job interview question.
The guide is not designed for you to memorize my answers, but more importantly, to give you the right interview language to use through my many examples, so you can answer anything they throw at you. Reading this guide for 1-2 hours before your next interview will make a big difference in your interview performance and put you in line to be considered for the job.
No guide can prepare you for every possible question you might encounter, but you see, my guide is designed to teach and prepare you to think on your feet so when you are hit with a question you have never heard of or are not prepared for, you’ll be in a much better position to come up with an on the spot answer.
One of my customers bought this guide and used it for his engineering interview and he told me that not a single question was asked from my guide, but because he studied it several times, he felt more comfortable answering questions that were related to engineering and he got the job.
Many of my customers are last minute and often times buy the guide the day before their interview sometimes even hours before and it really helps them nail down the interview and get the job. It's sure to make a big difference on your next interview.
It will help you improve your interview confidence and maintain control throughout the interview. After reading this guide, you’ll be more comfortable and confident and able to sit back and give your best interview performance without being nervous.
This program sounds great, but do I really need it?
Absolutely not. You can find a lot of this information for free all over the Internet, even my YouTube channel has a lot. If you have time and the patience to sort through all of the job tips strewn about the Internet, then that is certainly an option for you. But you're on your own and you need to know how to decipher the good stuff from the bad. This method is a good option for people who are seeking jobs that pay under $40-$50k.
But if you're looking for jobs that pay $50k+ then dropping $47 on a program that puts it all together for you and guarantees you'll get hired, plus being able to ask the guy who wrote it (me) for help, well, that seems like a no-brainer.
I'm interviewing for a Human Resources job, will this work?
I did not write this guide specifically for HR jobs, but over the years, several people who were in HR told me how effective this guide was for getting hired in to Human Resources. One lady, a 15 year HR veteran, told me that she learned so much from this guide that she was going to use it to conduct interviews. I can't say enough at how effective this program is for any type of job.
Will this program help me if I'm interviewing for jobs at McDonalds, WalMart, Target or any other fast food type of business?
YES and No. Yes, if you're interviewing for management or corporate positions.
And NO, if you're interviewing for part-time cashier, clerk, or food prep positions. For those jobs, as long as you show interest in the job and prove you're dependable, you'll get hired.
Will this help me pass a behavioral interview?
Yes. This program will teach you how to use the STAR method to structure your answers so you can effectively answer behavioral questions. Most-all employers prefer that candidates use the STAR method to answer behavioral questions.
Your employer might request you use the PAR method to answer questions. Don't be alarmed, PAR and STAR and essentially the same and you'll learn both methods in the program.
Is there a money-back guarantee?
YES! And I'd like to think it's the best one in the business. It says that you can get your ALL your money back for any reason or no reason at all within 120 days. (that's 90 days longer than anyone else)
You could say, "Hey Don, I don't like one of these bonuses; I want my money back." And your money would be immediately refunded back to your original method of payment.
And to take it one step farther, if you don't get hired within 120 days, you can have your money back. Just say, "Hey Don, it's been 120 days and no one's hired me yet. I want my money back." And you get your money back immediately.
That might sound like a crazy guarantee and wonder how I can offer something like that. You see, if you're not getting the results I think you'll get from this program, then I don't want your money.
IF you don't get the job you want, then on some level I feel I've failed you.
But the only reason I can offer you such a strong money-back guarantee is because this program works. If I was giving out refunds all the time, I wouldn't be able to afford to keep the lights on and clients would not be sharing success stories with me every day.
Okay, I'm ready to get started, what do I do next?
Click the Unlock Access button below and once you complete your payment information, you'll get immediate access to the program.
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© 2025 Job Interview Tools, LLC - Cleveland, Ohio, USA